Tuesday 24 March 2015

Evaluation Part 3

What have you learned from getting audience feedback?

I think getting feedback from my audience was very helpful, as the people that I got feedback from were my initial target audience. This therefore gave me an onsite on what this age group and gender would be interested in seeing within a magazine. After receiving feedback on all of my media products, it helped me challenge my thoughts and develop and experiment more with the different ideas I had. By receiving audience feedback, it gave me a lot more ideas as well as challenging aspects of my work. I had to make sure all conventions that I used appealed to my target audience and worked well within my product. Audience feedback is important as it gives you the chance to find out what your audience wants and expects. A lot of my audience feedback was helpful and helped me improve my products, however some of the feedback were ideas that I did not want to act upon. I decided not to act on some of the suggestions because I either didn't agree with it or I tried it and it didn't meet my expectations. After receiving and acting upon my audience feedback, I have learnt that my products reflect from their interests and what my target audience expect to see in a regional fashion magazine. I made sure to use conventions and texts that would make my target audience want to carry on reading, and find out about my other products. Over all I have learnt that receiving audience feedback is very important and useful as it gives you ideas about what your chosen target audience are interested in and also gives you new thoughts on how you can challenge typical genre conventions to make my products more appealing to my audience.  

These are some reader profiles that I created to show my initial target audience and the things that they are interested in and what they do for a living. This gave me more of an incite into the kind of theme I would be using on my products for them to appeal to specific audience. I chose to do a reader profile on teenaged females who are into fashion and keeping up with the latest trends. By doing this, I know that these people are who I would want to be attracted to my products. This therefore helped me with a colour scheme and what magazines to get my inspiration from. From this information, I put together a montage of photos which portray my target audience, as the are all things that would appeal to them. Therefore these are the kind of things that I would include in my products. 
To be able to understand my audience's need further, I arranged an interview with two teenaged females, who would fit within my target audience. I used questions that would help me justify what they look for in a fashion magazine, as well as which high street shops they buy clothes from and the prices they look for, for both magazines and clothes. By doing this video it helped me a lot with what to use within my products and how to make sure that my target audience will be attracted it. 

After I mostly completed all of my products, I got feedback from my class. This was very helpful as most people I got feedback from were in my target audience range group. Some of the suggestions I took on board as I thought they improved my work and became more appealing to my target audience. Most of the good comments mentioned the use of my images, which were said to appeal to my audience a lot and they looked very professional. However some of the suggestions I got, I didn't go through with them. This was either because I didn't agree it would improve my product or I tried it and it didn't meet my expectations. Over all I think by getting a lot of audience feedback helped with how my products appeals to my audience and made me think of new ways in which I could make improvements.

These screenshots of my magazine show the version before I got audience feedback on how to improve my products and after I took some of the suggestions on board and changed some conventions. This comparison shows how much my product has improved due to audience feedback. My magazine is now a lot stronger and looks more appealing to my target audience of teenage females. All of the audience feedback and research has helped me a lot when it came to creating my products, as it gave me more of a clear incite to what my target audience want to see and read within a regional fashion magazine. I also made small improvements on my website, such as changing some of the fonts and text sizes to improve the look of my pages. Over all I think I have learned that getting audience feedback is very important and helpful when creating products with a specific target audience such as my own.

Website Address - http://katewoods1997.wix.com/runway

After I completed all of my products I decided to ask some of my target audience to look at them and feedback to me if they would actually buy and read my products. Every person I asked said they would which means that I have successfully used conventions of fashion magazines to be able to attract the correct audience. I was confident that I would get this result as I used the same audiences feedback to improve my products to what my target audience would want to see and what would attract them. 

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