Tuesday 3 March 2015

Class Feedback on my products

This is the feedback which I got from my class, commenting on my magazine front cover, contents page, double page spread, billboard and my magazine. I think that getting peer feedback helps with the quality of my work, as it is being viewed by who would be my target audience, and they can suggest things that would make my products more appealing to them. I have took into consideration all of the things that could be improved on all of my products and I will try and get them up to my target audiences expectations. Overall all of the feedback I got was mostly positive feedback, and backing up what I have already created for my products. Most people commenting saying they liked my theme colour that runs throughout all of my products and that my choice of images is good, but I could have a bit more variety of conventions on my website. I will take all of this structure into consideration and try to change some aspects of my products.

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