Thursday, 16 October 2014

Colour Scheme

These are the main colours which ill be using throughout my magazine. I chose to use a selection of different pinks as this is put across as a feminine colour as my target audience are females. Also this these pink colours are easy on the eye and don't make pages look too much or too busy. They will also show up on most coloured background which is helpful. Also i have chosen to use simple black and white to break up the pinks and i needed different colours to make some parts of text stand out more than others so i can add in pull quotes and cover lines. Also my using a continuous colour scheme this creates a unique look for my magazine and people with associate them with it, as not many magazines use pink shades as a main colour. I think the choice of colour iv chosen work really well with the genre of fashion, and shades of pink are usually associated with the female fashion industry as its seen to be a feminine colour. These colours will also help my magazine become more known about and unique in it's region. As my magazine is a regional magazine, I have chosen colours which are not usually used in fashion magazines, therefore when audiences see this specific colour scheme they will relate it to my magazine and know what to expect. The shades of pink also clearly relate to the target audience of young females even though this a stereotyping what females like to see. Even though some females may prefer other colours, the choice of pink will straight away signify that the magazine is aimed at females rather than the male audience. 

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