Thursday 29 January 2015

Website Update - Fashion Page

I have updated the Fashion Page on my website. I have added in 'The Best of Spring Fashion' section, including two photographs which were taken on location, which shows the spring setting. I also put text next to it, giving information explaining further into what the relevance of the section is. I added this in as I thought it would appeal to my target audience, and that it is something that they would like to read. I also added in 'Stooshe's North East Live Wardrobe', 'Jessie J shows figure off atWarwick Castle', and Little Mix's Leigh-Anne Rocks high waist mom jeans'. I think all of these headline state my genre of high street fashion, which will result in these sections really appealing to my target audience. All of these sections show celebrities wearing high street popular clothing, and because they are celebrities, it refers to Katz and Lazerfeld's theory of the Two Step Flow theory. This is because by using celebrities in magazines, means that the celebrities chosen need to be idolized by the chosen target audience, which in my case works very well. As my target audience are interested in both popular fashion and celebrities who wear that kind of clothing, which tells them that, that type of clothing is whats in at the minute. I also added in a short slide show of photographs of models wearing high street clothing. I also added in captions, pointing out the main point of why the specific image is there, for example, some are for the accessories and others are for the jacket the model is wearing. I think this is a good way to present different photographs, and keep the audience entertained with the fade effect.

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