Thursday 29 January 2015

Magazine Update - Contact Page

This is m contact page on my website. I have kept the same colour theme and elegant look. I used the same shape around the title which I have on each page. I have also kept everything very central as I think it looks more professional and easier on the eye. I included the address of Runway Boutique and the phone number for people who want to get in touch that way. I also included a way to subscribe to Runway magazine at the bottom of the page. The customer will need to type in their name, email, phone number, and address, to then this sends to the company and notifies them that someone wants to subscribe, and then contacts them to get further details. I have kept it very easy to read with the black on white text and a big bold black box which the important information is in, stating how you can subscribe. I think this page is very strong as to what it is used for considering both the layout and content.

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