Wednesday 3 September 2014

billboard recreation

I have chosen to recreate this fashion billboard as it's very simple and only contains one image and one part of text, all on a white background. Even though this billboard doesn't contain much, it is still very eye catching and interesting because of how it only needs to use 'Stuart Weitzman' for people to know what the billboard is advertising. 

This is my recreation of the billboard above. I think the idea of keeping the image black and white works well with the background being white and using the small part of black text. As if this image was in color i think it would look too much and take over the text which is limited and the audience will automatically read it. This billboard was easy to recreate, even thought my models pose isn't exactly the same as the original billboard. For my product i will be creating, i will take inspiration from these kind of billboards as i think the idea of not having much showing catches attention of the audiences and makes them ask themselves question and maybe want to visit the website to find out more information about the magazine and website. 
I decided to change the pose, as i wasn't that happy with all the empty space beneath the text. I found the way i took the photograph worked well.

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