Thursday 20 November 2014

Choice of billboard images

I have chosen to use the middle image for my billboard, as it looks more interesting because of the location where it was shot. Also the black and white makes it different to usual billboards but it makes the image look strong. However I will have to consider changing the colour of text as the black blends in with the background a bit too much. I will either change the colour or add a black box and lower its opacity and put white text over the top so it stands out. I will also add in the website address just under the title. This billboard clearly shows that the genre is fashion, as the mise en scene makes the image a lot more interesting rather than just using a usual white background. The use of the location makes the billboard more eye catching as you don't usually see big billboards without a white background. This also signifies my billboard being regional as the choice of image is very different to usual fashion advertisements. The choice of billboard also fits in with my target audience, as the model is in the target audience which will make it more appealing to other people like her. Also at looking at someone in the same age range, will be more appealing as it's usually taken from the idea of the specific target audience of young females in todays society.

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