Saturday, 23 August 2014

Fashion magazine inspiration

When I was researching different brands of fashion genre magazines, I came across the magazine called 'Fashion'. The main thing that caught my eye was the fact that the colour of the clothing the model is wearing, corresponds with the colour of the main pugs and masthead on the front page. I thought this made the magazine very easy to the eye and it stands out a lot as it doesn't look messy, it looks very sophisticated and organisationed. This draws attention from audiences as readers don't want magazines which front covers dont instantly jump out and make them want to buy the magazine.
The image is also clearly forced towards fashion and makeup, as the models are also all well known because of their fashion and are inspire young people who read magazines and watch these famous females.
On this magazine the pugs and pull quotes work very effectively by using different sized text and occasionally different fonts. By using the same font through most of the magazine creates a unique and organised look to the viewers.
All pugs are about mainly fashion, and the bigger the text the more important and are more likely to be interesting towards the audiences. I think colour plays a big part when it comes to designing a magazine front cover. This gives the magazine its unique look which will be known by audiences globally. The colours used can also be used to symbolise different events/things, eg: red - love.
Overall I like the understandable and organised look this magazines front cover gives off at the first look.

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